Troy Reichert
Reichert, coach, encourager and communicator has invested his career leading
teams and equipping others to reach their potential. During his twenty years
of executive leadership Troy led sales and marketing teams and oversaw the
acquisition and development of new products at a leading publishing company.
Now as an entrepreneur he spends his time working with distributors around
the world, developing training material, creating marketing strategies and
overseeing corporate communications for Straight Edge Marketing, a worldwide
internet media company.
Troy has an extensive working
knowledge of churches and ministries having been a volunteer in youth ministry,
serving on the board of directors for Family Life Ministries, Tulsa, OK, working
on staff at Focus on the Family, and traveling extensively consulting with
media ministries and churches across the country. Troy’s mission and
passion are focused on encouraging and equipping emerging ministry leaders
to become more effective multipliers for the kingdom.
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